Feature Request
Status: Open (View Workflow)
Resolution: Unresolved
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None
Component/s: None
Top 10 potentially cacheable queries by count during EOM from 2018-today: (call counts 15000-5000)
exec sp_executesql ' select cdf.TransactionCashDepositFinancialID, fg.FinancialGroupID, fg.Description, fg.OperationEnum, fg.SortOrder, fg.Status, sum(cdf.Amount) as Amount, sum(cdf.Quantity) as Quantity from tbtransactioncashdeposit cd with (nolock) join tbtransactioncashdepositfinancial cdf with (nolock) on cd.TransactionCashDepositID=cdf.TransactionCashDepositID join dbo.fn_GetFinancialTypeGroups(#) fg on fg.FinancialGroupID=cdf.FinancialGroupID or fg.ChildFinancialGroupID=cdf.FinancialGroupID where cd.TransactionCashDepositID = @p0 and fg.ZoneID is null and fg.Status != # group by cdf.TransactionCashDepositFinancialID, fg.FinancialGroupID, fg.Description, fg.OperationEnum, fg.SortOrder, fg.Status Union select cdf.TransactionCashDepositFinancialID, fg.FinancialGroupID, fg.Description, fg.OperationEnum, fg.SortOrder, fg.Status, sum(cdf.Amount) as Amount, sum(cdf.Quantity) as Quantity from tbtransactioncashdeposit cd with (nolock) join tbtransactioncashdepositfinancial cdf with (nolock) on cd.TransactionCashDepositID=cdf.TransactionCashDepositID join dbo.fn_GetFinancialTypeGroups(#) fg on fg.FinancialGroupID=cdf.FinancialGroupID or fg.ChildFinancialGroupID=cdf.FinancialGroupID LEFT JOIN tbEntityZone ez with (nolock) on ez.ZoneID = fg.ZoneID where cd.TransactionCashDepositID = @p0 and ez.EntityID = cd.EntityID and fg.Status != # group by cdf.TransactionCashDepositFinancialID, fg.FinancialGroupID, fg.Description, fg.OperationEnum, fg.SortOrder, fg.Status order by fg.SortOrder',N'@p0 bigint',@p0=#
exec sp_executesql 'DECLARE @IDList VARCHAR(MAX) SELECT @IDList = COALESCE(@IDList +$, $) + CONVERT(varchar(20),ForecastId) FROM ( SELECT ForecastId, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY EntityId, BusinessDay ORDER BY GenerationDate DESC) RowNumber FROM Forecasting.Forecast WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE EntityId = @p0 AND BusinessDay >= CONVERT(date, @p1) AND BusinessDay <= CONVERT(date, @p2) ) f WHERE RowNumber = # DECLARE @Query NVARCHAR(MAX) = $ + @p3 + $ + @IDList + $ + @p3 + $ EXEC sp_executesql @Query,N''@p0 datetime,@p1 datetime'',@p0=@p1,@p1=@p2',N'@p0 bigint,@p1 datetime,@p2 datetime,@p3 nvarchar(4000)',@p0=#,@p1=$,@p2=$,@p3=$
exec sp_executesql 'EXEC [dbo].[MXC_Financial_GetCustomerSalesNotLinkedToCustomer] @p0, @p1, @p2',N'@p0 bigint,@p1 datetime2(7),@p2 datetime2(7)',@p0=#,@p1=$,@p2=$
exec sp_executesql 'EXEC [dbo].[MXC_Inventory_GetTransactionSalesOrderDetails] @transactionSalesOrderId = @p0',N'@p0 bigint',@p0=#
exec sp_executesql 'DECLARE @TradingDayOpen DATETIME DECLARE @TradingDayClose DATETIME SELECT @TradingDayOpen=DayOpen, @TradingDayClose=DayClose FROM dbo.fn_GetTradingForCalendarDay(@p0, @p1) Select fg.FinancialGroupID, fg.Description, fg.OperationEnum, fg.SortOrder, fg.Status, case when FunctionEnum = 1 then case when amts.Quantity = 0 then Cast(0 as decimal) else Cast(round(amts.Amount/amts.Quantity,?) as decimal(18,2)) end else amts.Amount end as Amount, amts.Quantity From dbo.fn_GetFinancialTypeGroups(@p2) fg INNER JOIN dbo.fn_GetFinancialTypeAmounts(@p2, @p0, @TradingDayOpen, @TradingDayClose, ?, ?) amts ON fg.FinancialGroupID = amts.FinancialGroupID Order BY fg.SortOrder',N'@p0 bigint,@p1 datetime,@p2 smallint',@p0=?,@p1=?,@p2=?
exec sp_executesql 'SELECT this_.SalesItemMetricDetailId as SalesIte1_124_0_, this_.SalesItemId as SalesIte2_124_0_, this_.IntervalStart as Interval3_124_0_, this_.LastYearTransactionCount as LastYear4_124_0_, this_.ManagerTransactionCount as ManagerT5_124_0_, this_.RawTransactionCount as RawTrans6_124_0_, this_.SystemTransactionCount as SystemTr7_124_0_, this_.ServiceType as ServiceT8_124_0_, this_.MgrDetailsChanged as MgrDetai9_124_0_, this_.ForecastId as ForecastId124_0_ FROM Forecasting.SalesItemMetricDetail this_ WHERE ((this_.ForecastId = @p0 and this_.IntervalStart >= @p1) and this_.IntervalStart < @p2)',N'@p0 bigint,@p1 datetime,@p2 datetime',@p0=#,@p1=$,@p2=$
exec [dbo].[qryMMSBankingTransaction_GetChangeFundRebank] @EntityID=#,@CalendarDay=$,@ForCalendarDay=#
exec [dbo].[qryMMSSyncToken_CheckExists] @SyncToken=$
exec sp_executesql 'SELECT this_.SalesItemMetricDetailId as SalesIte1_121_0_, this_.SalesItemId as SalesIte2_121_0_, this_.IntervalStart as Interval3_121_0_, this_.LastYearTransactionCount as LastYear4_121_0_, this_.ManagerTransactionCount as ManagerT5_121_0_, this_.RawTransactionCount as RawTrans6_121_0_, this_.SystemTransactionCount as SystemTr7_121_0_, this_.ServiceType as ServiceT8_121_0_, this_.MgrDetailsChanged as MgrDetai9_121_0_, this_.ForecastId as ForecastId121_0_ FROM Forecasting.SalesItemMetricDetail this_ WHERE ((this_.ForecastId = @p0 and this_.IntervalStart >= @p1) and this_.IntervalStart < @p2)',N'@p0 bigint,@p1 datetime,@p2 datetime',@p0=#,@p1=$,@p2=$
exec [dbo].[qryMMSComboBoxReference_CustomerSearch_ByEntityID] @SearchText=$,@EntityID=#,@searchActiveCustomersOnly=#
Top 15 potentially optimizable queries by CPU usage during EOM from 2018-today:
This query also has the highest call count during that timeframe -
exec sp_executesql ' DECLARE @mintranItemID BIGINT, @maxtranItemID BIGINT SELECT @mintranItemID = MIN(TransactionItemID), @maxtranItemID = MAX(TransactionItemID) FROM tbTransactionItem WITH(NOLOCK, FORCESEEK) WHERE EntityID = @p0 AND BusinessDay = @p1 IF @mintranItemID IS NULL OR @maxtranItemID IS NULL RETURN SELECT ti.ItemID AS ItemId, ti.BusinessDay AS BusinessDay, DATEADD(mi, DATEDIFF(mi, #, ti.TransactionTime) / # * #, #) as IntervalStart, SUM(ti.Quantity) As Quantity, tsi.InOutDel as ServiceType FROM tbTransactionItem ti WITH(NOLOCK) JOIN tbEntityItem ei WITH(NOLOCK) ON ti.EntityID = ei.EntityID AND ti.ItemID = ei.ItemID JOIN tbTransactionSalesItem tsi WITH(NOLOCK) ON ti.TransactionSalesItemID = tsi.TransactionSalesItemID WHERE (@p2 = # OR ti.ItemID = @p2) AND ti.EntityID = @p0 AND ti.BusinessDay = @p1 AND ei.InUse = # AND (ti.TransactionItemID >= @mintranItemID AND ti.TransactionItemID <= @maxtranItemID) GROUP BY ti.ItemID, ti.BusinessDay, DATEADD(mi, DATEDIFF(mi, #, ti.TransactionTime) / # * #, #), tsi.InOutDel',N'@p0 bigint,@p1 datetime2(7),@p2 bigint',@p0=#,@p1=$,@p2=#
This query also shows up in the high call count list -
exec sp_executesql 'DECLARE @IDList VARCHAR(MAX) SELECT @IDList = COALESCE(@IDList +$, $) + CONVERT(varchar(20),ForecastId) FROM ( SELECT ForecastId, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY EntityId, BusinessDay ORDER BY GenerationDate DESC) RowNumber FROM Forecasting.Forecast WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE EntityId = @p0 AND BusinessDay >= CONVERT(date, @p1) AND BusinessDay <= CONVERT(date, @p2) ) f WHERE RowNumber = # DECLARE @Query NVARCHAR(MAX) = $ + @p3 + $ + @IDList + $ + @p3 + $ EXEC sp_executesql @Query,N''@p0 datetime,@p1 datetime'',@p0=@p1,@p1=@p2',N'@p0 bigint,@p1 datetime,@p2 datetime,@p3 nvarchar(4000)',@p0=#,@p1=$,@p2=$,@p3=$
exec [dbo].[qryMMS_Forecasting_TransactionItemIntervalAggregate]
Note- good opportunity to have cleanup done using partitioning:
declare @p1 int set @p1=# exec sp_prepexec @p1 output,N'@p0 datetime,@p1 bigint',' DECLARE @rowcount INT = # WHILE @rowcount > # BEGIN DELETE TOP (#) detail FROM [Forecasting].[InventoryItemMetricDetail] detail JOIN [Forecasting].[Forecast] forecast WITH (NOLOCK) ON detail.ForecastId = forecast.ForecastId WHERE forecast.EntityId = @p1 AND forecast.BusinessDay < @p0 SET @rowcount = @@ROWCOUNT END',@p0=$,@p1=# select @p1
This query also shows up in the high call count list -
exec [dbo].[qryMMSComboBoxReference_CustomerSearch_ByEntityID] @SearchText=$,@EntityID=#,@searchActiveCustomersOnly=#
This query also shows up in the high call count list -
exec sp_executesql 'SELECT dcb.ItemId, dcb.EntityID, dcb.PurchaseExclReturnsValue, dcb.PurchaseExclReturnsQty, dcb.PurchaseReturnsValue, dcb.PurchaseReturnsQty, dcb.TransferInValue, dcb.TransferInQty, dcb.TransferOutValue, dcb.TransferOutQty, dcb.BOMMakeValue, dcb.BOMMakeQty, dcb.BOMUseValue, dcb.BOMUseQty, dcb.SalesValue, dcb.SalesQty, dcb.WasteValue, dcb.WasteQty, dcb.SamplingValue, dcb.SamplingQty, dcb.OtherAdjustValue, dcb.OtherAdjustQty, dcb.DispatchValue, dcb.DispatchQty, dcb.FinishedWasteValue, dcb.FinishedWasteQty FROM dbo.fn_PopulateDailyClosingBalance(@EntityID, @StartDate, @EndDate) AS dcb JOIN tbEntityDailyStockBalance AS e with (nolock) ON dcb.EntityID=e.EntityID JOIN tbEntityItemDailyStockBalance AS ei with (nolock) ON dcb.EntityID=ei.EntityID AND dcb.ItemID=ei.ItemID WHERE ei.LastBusinessDay>=e.LastBusinessDay ORDER BY dcb.ItemID ',N'@EntityID bigint,@StartDate datetime,@EndDate datetime',@EntityID=#,@StartDate=$,@EndDate=$
This query also shows up in the high call count list -
exec sp_executesql ' select cdf.TransactionCashDepositFinancialID, fg.FinancialGroupID, fg.Description, fg.OperationEnum, fg.SortOrder, fg.Status, sum(cdf.Amount) as Amount, sum(cdf.Quantity) as Quantity from tbtransactioncashdeposit cd with (nolock) join tbtransactioncashdepositfinancial cdf with (nolock) on cd.TransactionCashDepositID=cdf.TransactionCashDepositID join dbo.fn_GetFinancialTypeGroups(#) fg on fg.FinancialGroupID=cdf.FinancialGroupID or fg.ChildFinancialGroupID=cdf.FinancialGroupID where cd.TransactionCashDepositID = @p0 and fg.ZoneID is null and fg.Status != # group by cdf.TransactionCashDepositFinancialID, fg.FinancialGroupID, fg.Description, fg.OperationEnum, fg.SortOrder, fg.Status Union select cdf.TransactionCashDepositFinancialID, fg.FinancialGroupID, fg.Description, fg.OperationEnum, fg.SortOrder, fg.Status, sum(cdf.Amount) as Amount, sum(cdf.Quantity) as Quantity from tbtransactioncashdeposit cd with (nolock) join tbtransactioncashdepositfinancial cdf with (nolock) on cd.TransactionCashDepositID=cdf.TransactionCashDepositID join dbo.fn_GetFinancialTypeGroups(#) fg on fg.FinancialGroupID=cdf.FinancialGroupID or fg.ChildFinancialGroupID=cdf.FinancialGroupID LEFT JOIN tbEntityZone ez with (nolock) on ez.ZoneID = fg.ZoneID where cd.TransactionCashDepositID = @p0 and ez.EntityID = cd.EntityID and fg.Status != # group by cdf.TransactionCashDepositFinancialID, fg.FinancialGroupID, fg.Description, fg.OperationEnum, fg.SortOrder, fg.Status order by fg.SortOrder',N'@p0 bigint',@p0=#
This query also shows up in the high call count list -
exec sp_executesql 'EXEC [dbo].[MXC_Inventory_GetTransactionSalesOrderDetails] @transactionSalesOrderId = @p0',N'@p0 bigint',@p0=#
Note- good opportunity to have cleanup done using partitioning:
declare @p1 int set @p1=# exec sp_prepexec @p1 output,N'@p0 datetime,@p1 bigint',' DECLARE @rowcount INT = # WHILE @rowcount > # BEGIN DELETE TOP (#) detail FROM [Forecasting].[SalesItemMetricDetail] detail JOIN [Forecasting].[Forecast] forecast WITH (NOLOCK) ON detail.ForecastId = forecast.ForecastId WHERE forecast.EntityId = @p1 AND forecast.BusinessDay < @p0 SET @rowcount = @@ROWCOUNT END',@p0=$,@p1=# select @p1
declare @p1 int set @p1=# exec sp_prepexec @p1 output,N'@p0 bigint,@p1 datetime,@p2 datetime','SELECT this_.OnAccountSalePaymentId as OnAccoun1_165_2_, this_.AppliedAmount as AppliedA2_165_2_, this_.CheckNumber as CheckNum3_165_2_, this_.CreditAppliedFlag as CreditAp4_165_2_, this_.IsDeposit as IsDeposit165_2_, this_.CreatedTimestamp as CreatedT6_165_2_, this_.OnAccountSaleId as OnAccoun7_165_2_, this_.TransactionControlInfoID as Transact8_165_2_, oasalias1_.OnAccountSaleId as OnAccoun1_164_0_, oasalias1_.Description as Descript2_164_0_, oasalias1_.EntityId as EntityId164_0_, oasalias1_.InvoiceNumber as InvoiceN4_164_0_, oasalias1_.UncollectedFlag as Uncollec5_164_0_, oasalias1_.Paid as Paid164_0_, oasalias1_.Type as Type164_0_, oasalias1_.UncollectibleTimestamp as Uncollec8_164_0_, oasalias1_.PaidInFullTimestamp as PaidInFu9_164_0_, oasalias1_.ReversalFlag as Reversa10_164_0_, oasalias1_.TransactionSummaryID as Transac11_164_0_, oasalias1_.CustomerId as CustomerId164_0_, ( SELECT SUM(tbOnaccountSalePayment.AppliedAmount) FROM tbOnaccountSalePayment WHERE tbOnaccountSalePayment.OnAccountSaleId = oasalias1_.OnAccountSaleId ) as formula1_0_, tcialias2_.TransactionControlInfoID as Transact1_167_1_, tcialias2_.ClerkName as ClerkName167_1_, tcialias2_.EntityID as EntityID167_1_, tcialias2_.POSTransactionID as POSTrans4_167_1_, tcialias2_.TransactionDate as Transact5_167_1_, tcialias2_.ControlInfoCount as ControlI6_167_1_, tcialias2_.ControlInfoAmount as ControlI7_167_1_, tcialias2_.OtherInfo2 as OtherInfo8_167_1_, tcialias2_.OtherInfo3 as OtherInfo9_167_1_, tcialias2_.CurrentShiftNumber as Current10_167_1_, tcialias2_.BusinessDay as Busines11_167_1_, tcialias2_.ClerkID as ClerkID167_1_, tcialias2_.ControlInfoID as Control13_167_1_, tcialias2_.SystemTransactionID as SystemT14_167_1_ FROM tbOnAccountSalePayment this_ inner join tbOnAccountSale oasalias1_ on this_.OnAccountSaleId=oasalias1_.OnAccountSaleId inner join tbTransactionControlInfo tcialias2_ on this_.TransactionControlInfoID=tcialias2_.TransactionControlInfoID WHERE ((tcialias2_.EntityID = @p0 and tcialias2_.BusinessDay >= @p1) and tcialias2_.BusinessDay <= @p2)',@p0=#,@p1=$,@p2=$ select @p1
DECLARE @Month DATETIME SELECT @Month = convert(DATETIME,(CONVERT(VARCHAR(25),DATEADD(dd,-(DAY(GETDATE()-#)-#),GETDATE()-#),#))) DECLARE @SCStores TABLE (EntityID BIGINT) INSERT INTO @SCSTores SELECT e.EntityID FROM [chick-fil-a].dbo.tbEntity e WITH (NOLOCK) JOIN [chick-fil-a].dbo.tbEntityZone ez WITH (NOLOCK) ON ez.EntityID = e.EntityID JOIN [chick-fil-a].dbo.tbZone z WITH (NOLOCK) ON z.ZoneID = ez.ZoneID WHERE z.Zone in ($) and e.Status = $ and e.OpenDate <= GetDate() DECLARE @CountsCreated INT = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [chick-fil-a].dbo.tbTransactionStockCountLocatiON tscl WITH (nolock) where ApplicablePeriod >= @Month AND tscl.Status = $ AND tscl.StockCountType = $ and tscl.EntityID IN (SELECT EntityID FROM @SCStores)) DECLARE @CountsApplied INT = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [chick-fil-a].dbo.tbTransactionStockCountLocatiON tscl WITH (nolock) where ApplicablePeriod >= @Month AND tscl.Status = $ AND tscl.StockCountType = $ and tscl.EntityID IN (SELECT EntityID FROM @SCStores)) DECLARE @STockCounts TABLE (EntityID BIGINT, CreateDate DATETIME, ApplyDate DATETIME, ClerkName VARCHAR(75), CountName VARCHAR(75), CountStatus VARCHAR(18), ApplicablePeriod DATETIME, StartTime DATETIME, EndTime DATETIME, Mobile BIT) INSERT INTO @STockCounts select EntityID, CreateDate, ApplyDate, ClerkName, StockCountName, Status, ApplicablePeriod, STartTime, EndTime, CASE WHEN StartTime IS NOT NULL OR EndTime IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS [Mobile] FROM [chick-fil-a].dbo.tbTransactionStockCountLocatiON WITH (nolock) where StockCountType = $ AND ApplicablePeriod >= @Month and EntityID in (select EntityID from @SCStores) DECLARE @MobileCounts INT = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM @StockCounts WHERE Mobile = #) DECLARE @WebCounts INT = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM @STockCounts WHERE Mobile = #) DECLARE @NoCounts INT SELECT @NoCounts = COUNT(*) from @SCStores e left Join @STockCounts sc on sc.EntityID = e.EntityID where sc.ApplicablePeriod IS NULL DECLARE @TotalStores INT = (SELECT COUNT(*) from @SCStores) DECLARE @MultiCountStores TABLE (EntityID BIGINT, Counts INT) INSERT INTO @MultiCountStores SELECT tscl.EntityID, COUNT(*) Counts FROM [chick-fil-a].dbo.tbTransactionStockCountLocation tscl WITH (NOLOCK) JOIN @SCStores e ON e.EntityID = tscl.EntityID WHERE tscl.StockCountType = $ AND ApplicablePeriod = @Month GROUP BY tscl.EntityID HAVING COUNT(*) > # DECLARE @MultiCounts INT = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM @MultiCountStores) SELECT 'BELOW IS A LIST OF EACH STORES CURRENT STATUS.' SELECT @NoCounts as [NotStarted], @CountsCreated as [Open], @CountsApplied as [Applied], @WebCounts as [WebCounts], @MobileCounts as [MobileCounts], @WebCounts + @MobileCounts AS [TotalCounts], @TotalStores as [TotalStores], @MultiCounts AS [StoresWithMultiCounts] select e.Entity as Restaurant, z.Zone as [OrderingType], sc.CreateDate, sc.ApplyDate, sc.ClerkName, CASE WHEN Mobile = 1 THEN 'Mobile' ELSE 'Web' END AS [Source], ISNULL(sc.CountName,$) as [CountName], ISNULL(sc.CountStatus,$) as [Status], sc.ApplicablePeriod, ISNULL(mcs.counts, #) AS [NumOfCounts], sc.StartTime, sc.EndTime from [chick-fil-a].dbo.tbEntity e with (nolock) join [chick-fil-a].dbo.tbEntityZone ez with (nolock) on ez.EntityID = e.EntityID join [chick-fil-a].dbo.tbZone z with (nolock) on z.ZoneID = ez.ZoneID left join @STockCounts sc on sc.EntityID = e.EntityID left JOIN @MultiCountStores mcs on mcs.EntityID = e.EntityID where e.Status = $ and e.OpenDate <= GETDATE() and z.Zone like $ and e.EntityID IN (SELECT EntityID from @SCStores) order by ISNULL(sc.CountStatus,$), e.Entity
declare @p1 int set @p1=# exec sp_prepexec @p1 output,N'@p0 bigint,@p1 datetime,@p2 datetime','SELECT this_.OnAccountSalePaymentId as OnAccoun1_153_2_, this_.AppliedAmount as AppliedA2_153_2_, this_.CheckNumber as CheckNum3_153_2_, this_.CreditAppliedFlag as CreditAp4_153_2_, this_.IsDeposit as IsDeposit153_2_, this_.CreatedTimestamp as CreatedT6_153_2_, this_.OnAccountSaleId as OnAccoun7_153_2_, this_.TransactionControlInfoID as Transact8_153_2_, oasalias1_.OnAccountSaleId as OnAccoun1_152_0_, oasalias1_.Description as Descript2_152_0_, oasalias1_.EntityId as EntityId152_0_, oasalias1_.InvoiceNumber as InvoiceN4_152_0_, oasalias1_.UncollectedFlag as Uncollec5_152_0_, oasalias1_.Paid as Paid152_0_, oasalias1_.Type as Type152_0_, oasalias1_.UncollectibleTimestamp as Uncollec8_152_0_, oasalias1_.PaidInFullTimestamp as PaidInFu9_152_0_, oasalias1_.ReversalFlag as Reversa10_152_0_, oasalias1_.TransactionSummaryID as Transac11_152_0_, oasalias1_.CustomerId as CustomerId152_0_, ( SELECT SUM(tbOnaccountSalePayment.AppliedAmount) FROM tbOnaccountSalePayment WHERE tbOnaccountSalePayment.OnAccountSaleId = oasalias1_.OnAccountSaleId ) as formula0_0_, tcialias2_.TransactionControlInfoID as Transact1_155_1_, tcialias2_.ClerkName as ClerkName155_1_, tcialias2_.EntityID as EntityID155_1_, tcialias2_.POSTransactionID as POSTrans4_155_1_, tcialias2_.TransactionDate as Transact5_155_1_, tcialias2_.ControlInfoCount as ControlI6_155_1_, tcialias2_.ControlInfoAmount as ControlI7_155_1_, tcialias2_.OtherInfo2 as OtherInfo8_155_1_, tcialias2_.OtherInfo3 as OtherInfo9_155_1_, tcialias2_.CurrentShiftNumber as Current10_155_1_, tcialias2_.BusinessDay as Busines11_155_1_, tcialias2_.ClerkID as ClerkID155_1_, tcialias2_.ControlInfoID as Control13_155_1_, tcialias2_.SystemTransactionID as SystemT14_155_1_ FROM tbOnAccountSalePayment this_ inner join tbOnAccountSale oasalias1_ on this_.OnAccountSaleId=oasalias1_.OnAccountSaleId inner join tbTransactionControlInfo tcialias2_ on this_.TransactionControlInfoID=tcialias2_.TransactionControlInfoID WHERE ((tcialias2_.EntityID = @p0 and tcialias2_.BusinessDay >= @p1) and tcialias2_.BusinessDay <= @p2)',@p0=#,@p1=$,@p2=$ select @p1
This query also shows up in the high call count list -
exec sp_executesql 'SELECT this_.SalesItemMetricDetailId as SalesIte1_121_0_, this_.SalesItemId as SalesIte2_121_0_, this_.IntervalStart as Interval3_121_0_, this_.LastYearTransactionCount as LastYear4_121_0_, this_.ManagerTransactionCount as ManagerT5_121_0_, this_.RawTransactionCount as RawTrans6_121_0_, this_.SystemTransactionCount as SystemTr7_121_0_, this_.ServiceType as ServiceT8_121_0_, this_.MgrDetailsChanged as MgrDetai9_121_0_, this_.ForecastId as ForecastId121_0_ FROM Forecasting.SalesItemMetricDetail this_ WHERE ((this_.ForecastId = @p0 and this_.IntervalStart >= @p1) and this_.IntervalStart < @p2)',N'@p0 bigint,@p1 datetime,@p2 datetime',@p0=#,@p1=$,@p2=$
This query also shows up in the high call count list -
exec sp_executesql 'EXEC [dbo].[MXC_Financial_GetCustomerSalesNotLinkedToCustomer] @p0, @p1, @p2',N'@p0 bigint,@p1 datetime2(7),@p2 datetime2(7)',@p0=#,@p1=$,@p2=$
DECLARE @MismatchedSettlements TABLE (EntityID BIGINT, BusinessDay DATETIME, ClerkID BIGINT, ClerkName VARCHAR(255), ShiftID BIGINT, RegisterNumber INT, TransactionCashDepositID BIGINT, Comment VARCHAR(255)) DECLARE @LiteSum TABLE (SettlementID BIGINT, Gross Money, Net Money, Tax MONEY, Discount MONEY, GiftCard MONEY, ServiceFee MONEY) DECLARE @TLD TABLE (SettlementID BIGINT, Gross Money, Net MONEY, Tax MONEY, GiftCard MONEY, Discount MONEY) DECLARE @TLDI TABLE (SettlementID BIGINT, Gross MONEY, Net MONEY, Tax MONEY, GiftCard MONEY, Discount MONEY) INSERT INTO @MismatchedSettlements select EntityID, BusinessDay, ClerkID, ClerkName, ShiftID, RegisterNumber, RefID, Comment from tbValidation with (nolock) WHERE ValidationType = # and Status = # and BusinessDay >= CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),GETDATE()-#, #) and BusinessDay <= CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), GETDATE(), #) INSERT INTO @LiteSum select m.TransactionCashDepositID, ROUND(SUM(CASE WHEN ci.ControlInfo = $ THEN tci.ControlInfoAmount ELSE # END) - SUM(CASE WHEN ci.ControlInfo in ($) THEN tci.ControlInfoAmount ELSE # END) - SUM(CASE WHEN ci.ControlINFO in ($) THEN tci.ControlInfoAmount ELSE # END), #) as [LiteSum Gross], ROUND(SUM(CASE WHEN ci.ControlInfo = $ THEN tci.ControlInfoAMount ELSE # END), #) AS [LiteSum Net], ROUND(SUM(CASE WHEN ci.ControlInfo = $ THEN tci.ControlInfoAmount ELSE # END), #) AS [LiteSum Tax], ROUND(SUM(CASE WHEN ControlInfo = $ THEN ControlInfoAmount ELSE # END), #) AS [LiteSum Discount], ROUND(SUM(CASE WHEN ControlInfo in ($) THEN ControlInfoAmount ELSE # END), #) AS [LiteSum GiftCard], ROUND(SUM(CASE WHEN ControlInfo = $ THEN tci.ControlInfoAmount ELSE # END), #) as [Service Fee] from @MismatchedSettlements m join tbTransactionSummary ts with (nolock) on ts.ClerkID = m.ClerkID and ts.BusinessDay = m.BusinessDay and ts.EntityID = m.EntityID and ts.CurrentShiftNumber = m.ShiftID join tbTransactionControlInfo tci with (nolock) on tci.SystemTransactionID = ts.TransactionSummaryID join tbControlInfo ci with (nolock) on ci.ControLInfoID = tci.ControLInfoID Where ci.ControlInfoSystemCode = $ GROUP BY m.EntityID, m.BusinessDay, m.TransactionCashDepositID INSERT INTO @TLD SELECT m.TransactionCashDepositID, ROUND(SUM(tld.SALES_INCL_GST_INCL), #), ROUND(SUM(tld.Sales_Excl_GST_EXCL), #), ROUND(SUM(tld.GSTAmount), #), 0, 0 FROM @MismatchedSettlements m join tbTransactionCashDeposit c with (NOLOCK) on c.TransactionCashDepositID = m.TransactionCashDepositID join tbTransactionSummary tld with (nolock) on tld.EntityID = m.EntityID and tld.BusinessDay = m.BusinessDay and tld.ClerkIDName = m.ClerkName and tld.TransactionDate >= c.OpenDate and tld.TransactionDate <= c.CloseDate GROUP BY m.TransactionCashDepositID Update @TLD SET GiftCard = ROUND(ctrl.GiftCard, #), Discount = ROUND(ctrl.Discount, #) FROM @TLD t Join ( SELECT m.TransactionCashDepositID as [SEttlementID], SUM(CASE WHEN ci.ControlInfo in ($) THEN tci.ControlInfoAmount ELSE # END) as [GiftCard], SUM(CASE WHEN ControlInfo in ($) THEN ControlInfoAmount ELSE # END) as [Discount] FROM @MismatchedSettlements m join tbTransactionCashDeposit c with (nolock) on c.TransactionCashDepositID = m.TransactionCashDepositID join tbTransactionControlInfo tci with (nolock) on tci.TransactionDate >= c.OpenDate and tci.TransactionDate <= c.CloseDate and tci.EntityID = m.EntityID and tci.ClerkName = m.ClerkName join tbControlInfo ci with (nolock) on ci.ControlInfoID = tci.ControlInfoID Where tci.BusinessDay >= CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), GETDATE(), #) and tci.BusinessDay <= CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), GETDATE(), #) group by m.TransactionCashDepositID ) ctrl on ctrl.SEttlementID = t.SettlementID INSERT INTO @TLDI SELECT m.TransactionCashDepositID, ROUND(SUM(tld.Sales_Incl_GST_Incl), #), ROUND(SUM(tld.Sales_Excl_GST_Excl), #), ROUND(SUM(tld.GSTAmount), #), 0, 0 FROM @MismatchedSettlements m JOIN tbTransactionSummary tld with (nolock) on tld.EntityID = m.EntityID and tld.ClerkID = m.ClerkID and tld.BusinessDay = m.BusinessDay and tld.CurrentShiftNumber = m.ShiftID GROUP BY m.TransactionCashDepositID Update @TLDI SET GiftCard = ROUND(ctrl.GiftCard, #), Discount = ROUND(ctrl.Discount, #) FROM @TLDI t Join ( SELECT m.TransactionCashDepositID as [SEttlementID], SUM(CASE WHEN ci.ControlInfo in ($) THEN tci.ControlInfoAmount ELSE # END) as [GiftCard], SUM(CASE WHEN ControlInfo in ($) THEN ControlInfoAmount ELSE # END) as [Discount] FROM @MismatchedSettlements m join tbTransactionCashDeposit c with (nolock) on c.TransactionCashDepositID = m.TransactionCashDepositID join tbTransactionSummary ts with (nolock) on ts.EntityID = m.EntityID and ts.BusinessDay = m.BusinessDay and ts.ClerkID = m.ClerkID and ts.CurrentShiftNumber = m.ShiftID join tbTransactionControlInfo tci with (nolock) on tci.SystemTransactionID = ts.TransactionSummaryID join tbControlInfo ci with (nolock) on ci.ControlInfoID = tci.ControlInfoID Where tci.BusinessDay >= CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), GETDATE(), #) and tci.BusinessDay <= CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), GETDATE(), #) group by m.TransactionCashDepositID ) ctrl on ctrl.SEttlementID = t.SettlementID select e.Entity as [Restaurant], CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), m.BusinessDay, 101) as [Business Day], m.ClerkID, m.ClerkName, m.ShiftID, m.RegisterNumber, c.OpenDate as [Cashier Open], c.CloseDate as [Cashier Close], CASE WHEN t.Net = ls.Net and t.Tax < ls.Tax THEN 'PIF In LiteSum But Not In TLD' WHEN DATEDIFF(SS,c.OpenDate, c.CloseDate) < 2 THEN 'Fault Tolerant Shift Open Equals Shift Close' WHEN t.Gross <> ls.Gross AND e.StoreNumber like '7%' THEN 'Server vs. Cashier at Dwarf House' WHEN t.Gross <> i.Gross THEN 'Name Change' WHEN t.Gross = ls.Gross THEN 'TLD Transactions With Larger Transaction ID Processed After Settlement' WHEN (t.Gross is not null and ((ls.Gross - i.Gross) = ls.ServiceFee)) THEN 'PIF Not Refunded in LiteSum' Else 'Unknown' END AS [Likely Cause], m.Comment, ls.Gross as [LiteSum Gross], t.Gross as [TLD Gross], i.Gross AS [TLD Gross by ID], ls.Net as [LiteSum Net], t.Net AS [TLD Net], i.Net AS [TLD Net by ID], ls.Tax AS [LiteSum Tax], t.Tax AS [TLD Tax], i.Tax AS [TLD Tax by ID], ls.Discount as [LiteSum Discount], t.Discount as [TLD Discount], i.Discount as [TLD Discount by ID], ls.GiftCard as [LiteSum Giftcard], t.GiftCard as [TLD Giftcard], i.GiftCard as [TLD Giftcard by ID] from @MismatchedSettlements m join tbEntity e with (nolock) on e.EntityID = m.EntityID join tbTransactionCashDeposit c with (NOLOCK) on c.TransactionCashDepositID = m.TransactionCashDepositID or ( m.TransactionCashDepositID = # and c.ClerkName = m.ClerkName and c.CashDepositDate = m.BusinessDay and c.EntityID = m.EntityID and c.ShiftNumber = m.ShiftID ) left join @LiteSum ls on ls.SettlementID = m.TransactionCashDepositID left join @TLD t on t.SettlementID = m.TransactionCashDepositID join @TLDI i on i.SettlementID = m.TransactionCashDepositID order by e.Entity, m.BusinessDay
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