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  1. CFA MX
  2. CFAMX-6867

Transfers - Add Free Text "Notes" Field to Transfers Screen


    • INF Reference Number:



      There is no configuration required in order to implement this feature, data is being recorded for information only

      User Story
      As an Operator performing a transfer, I would like the ability to input notes specific to the transfer.


      • There is current functionality that allows a user to enter a reason when Declining/Denying a transfer, this change should leverage that field
      • User can enter notes when receiving a transfer
      • Notes are displayed in Transfer History
      • No changes to the Transfer Export - These new notes will not be sent

      As transfers feedback comes in from operators, we're hearing more and more often that operators would like the option to create a note about specific circumstances surrounding the transfer. For example, any details more specific than the generic reason codes provided, or the user who physically received the transfer vs what user is logged into InFORM when the transfer is received into the system. Operators believe a field here will allow them to track their inventory more closely, get to the bottom of any discrepancies, and better track transfer trends in their restaurant.

      My idea for this is something like a small "+Note" icon on the transfer bar, which the user can then click and enter any free text notes they choose. This is not data we would want or need to send to the CFA database, so we won't need to include it in the transfer export.


          Issue Links



              • Assignee:
                Marwa.Abdelwahed Marwa Abdelwahed
                staten.putnal Staten Putnal (Inactive)
              • Watchers:
                0 Start watching this issue


                • Created:


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