Testing Defect
Status: Done (View Workflow)
Resolution: Completed
Affects Version/s: CFA 2020R4
Fix Version/s: CFA 2020R4
Component/s: None
SCRUM Team:Globogym Purple Cobras
Sprint:CFAMX 2021R1 SA Sprint 1
Scenario -Store 01919/ Testing /Sep 16, 2020
1) Navigate in mobile to Administration and clicked Help Articles
2) Click Add Article button
3) Enter values for a Sales article : Help Article Title,Short Description,External URL
4) Click the search icon for the Menu Item
5) enter MxConnect - Forecast
6) Search for the MxConnect - Forecast
7) Assign the Sales article to - MxConnect - Forecast - Sales (/Forecasting/View?metric=sales) & MxConnect - Forecast - Sales SystemForecast (/Forecasting/View?metric=sales)
8) Navigate within mobile to Forecast then click Sales
9)Click the ? icon on the top of the page help article from past and the help page just added both display in the modal.
10) Click the help icon to the right of System Forecast and only my added article displays.
11) Repeat steps 1 and 2 above and on step 3 enter an article with "Transaction" in the title of the article
12) Repeat steps 4, 5 ,6
13) At step 7 I am only presented with the MxConnect - Forecast - Transactions (/Forecasting/View?metric=transactions)
Defect - expect to see - MxConnect - Forecast - Transactions SystemForecast (/Forecasting/View?metric=transactions) and it is not there so a separate Transaction help article for the System Forecast cannot be displayed. This is based on what is seen when adding a Sales article using the Sales System Forecast menu item.
NOTE : The Help Article I created on the Forecasting - Sales page for the System Forecast displays as expected & when I click the Help Icon on the Page header (up Top) it displays a different Help article (previously added in the past) as expected (image 3).
- Clones
CFAMX-12013 Forecast - Transactions : Help Article does not display
- Done