Feature Request
Status: In Development (View Workflow)
Resolution: Unresolved
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: CFA 2021R6
Component/s: None
This feature request is a warehouse for specific style updates related to the angular upgrade. In order to conform with new MX styles and maintain a minimum change for CFA user, the CFA MX team will us a hybrid version of the generally available MX palette and the existing InFORM layout.
GA Style Guide: https://hotschedules.invisionapp.com/share/ABW6X9S98GR#/screens/409273528
Site Wide Rules
- No drop shadows on any element. This includes dropdowns, input fields, modals, etc...
- Italic font style is reserved for specific sections in the site where the intent is to provide the user with additional information. Italics should not be used in tables (even as sub-text), date pickers, etc...
- The fonts themselves are not changing in this update. Only the color, weight, or style.
- Colors and fonts should be at full transparency.
Common Elements
Updated InFORM Colors:
- Global Site Header Background Color, Modal Header Background Color: #1f366c
- Table title row background: #F4F4F4
- Table Header Background: #FFFFFF
- Highlighted Option Background: #F4F4F4
- Table row background: #FFFFFF
- Table borders and dividing lines: #CCCCCC
- Active Selection Background: #F4F4F4
- Passive Selectable Item Background: #FFFFFF
- Pill Background: #1f366C
- Table Header Text, Row Header Text, Table Title Text: #4A5456
- These options should also be bold
- Usually these are 13px
- Table Data Text: #4A5456
- Usually normal font style
- Usually 13px
Single Select Drop Down List - CFAMX-12982
- Disabled Text Font Color: #CCCCCC
- Enabled Text Font Color: #4a5456
- Highlighted Selection Background Color: #F4F4F4
- Highlighted Selection Text Color: #4A5456
Filter and Sort Buttons and Input Fields
- Border: 888C90
- Text: 4A5654
- Passive Background: #FFFFFF
- Highlighted Background: #CCCCCC
- Selected Button: #CCCCCC
Modals - CFAMX-12983
- Border: #1F366C
- 1px
- Header Background: #1F366C
- Body Background: #FFFFFF
- Footer Background: #FFFFFF
- When Required, Middle Divider Color: #CCCCCC
- A divider after the last section is not required.
Grids and Tables - CFAMX-12856
Toasts - CFAMX-12984
Visual Aids
- is implemented by
CFAMX-12929 Angular Update (Style) > Input Fields
- Open
CFAMX-12983 Angular Update (Style) > Modals
- Open
CFAMX-12830 Angular Update (MVP) > Toast Messages
- Closed
CFAMX-12856 Angular Update (Style) > Grids and Tables
- Closed
CFAMX-12982 Angular Update (Style) > Buttons in Input Fields: Single Select, Filter, "Back", Etc ...
- Closed
CFAMX-12984 Angular Update (Style and MVP) > Toasts and Info Icons
- Closed
CFAMX-17636 Refactor Pages to use new Button Component
- Closed
- is related to
CFAMX-12484 InFORM Angular Technology Update
- In Development