Dev Task
Fix Version/s:
- "CloudLink Database Tool" is a console app that runs and upgrades the database.
- It needs to be run in order to populated the CloudLink database with the basic services
- The API (to start and stop services)
- The maintenance server (to clean up tables, etc)
- The CloudLink Database project (Mx.CloudLink.Database.csproj) contains Schema Changes that are run. When the
- The project uses a library called "DbUp" is used to update the database Schema
- To run the database tool, run Mx.CloudLink.Database\bin\Debug\Mx.CloudLink.Database.exe. This will execute the Schema Changes. It uses some sort of HashKey to determine if the database has already been upgraded so this can run mutiple times
- Check that the tables have been created in CloudLink Database
- Check the tbService table has been populated with the services CloudLink has to run