Sprint Defect
Status: Done (View Workflow)
Resolution: Completed
Affects Version/s: CFA 2021R6
Fix Version/s: CFA 2021R6
Component/s: Localization
SCRUM Team:Brotherhood of Mutants
Sprint:2021.R6 New Features Sprint 1, 2021.R6 New Features Sprint 2
Auto-Notification Translations are being cached when Store Notifications Language is Changed
Testing Environment Details
Effected Server: JAT (R6)
Store(s): Any
Logged in User: sysadmin
Feature: CFAMX-12797 Auto Notifications - INTL - Support language based Auto Notifications
Related Tickets (Stories or Features): CFAMX-14783 - 11. Translate Sys Gen Auto Notification "Transfer Request Declined"
Other Related Links (Confluence, BRDs, Etc...): N/A
Feature Configurations: N/A
1. User navigates to the User Settings > Notification
2. User selects a Language
3. User navigates to Navigation Menu > Inventory Transfer > Create
4. User creates a Transfer and sends to to a store (Ex. 70049 - Truett's Grill - Griffin)
5. User changes store to where the transfer was sent and declines the transfer
6. User repeats steps 1-6
Expected Result:
Store Contact that sent the transfer should receive a Transfer Request Decline auto-notification in the Store Notification Language selected
Actual Result:
Auto-Notification translations are being cached and emails appear with a mix of the previous language selected with the new language
- relates to
CFAMX-14783 11. Translate Sys Gen Auto Notification "Transfer Request Declined"
- Closed
CFAMX-15592 12. Translate Sys Gen Auto Notification "Transfer Note for Receiving Store"
- Closed
CFAMX-15618 CLONE 2021R5 - 12. Translate Sys Gen Auto Notification "Transfer Note for Receiving Store"
- Closed