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  1. CFA MX
  2. CFAMX-1611

Caner - Order Guide - Import Rules from CFA Order Guide Application


    • Sprint:
      CFAMX 2019R2 Sprint 3, CFAMX 2019R2 Sprint 2
    • SCRUM Team:
    • SOW (Time Tracking) Project:
    • Work Type Classification:


      As an admin of the CFA Order Guide application I want InFORM to support an import of the OG Rules so that I do not have to maintain them in two systems


      • Enhance the Zone table to include an external reference
        • Support string values
          • Examples: DWH, ALL_LOC, 25027
        • Column should be unique by Zone Type (if possible)
        • Not looking to add a UI change at the moment, but can if needed
      • Do we need and external reference on the Zone Type table as well?
        • Numeric only
      • Rules will be exported from the CFA Order Guide application:
        • See Active rules export for HS (3).xlsx for example of available fields.
        • Note: Fields in Green relate to the columns to their left
        • Note: Vendor Code not available in this initial sample, only Vendor Item Code. Not sure if we can simply apply the rule to all vendors who have an item with this code or not?
        • Question: Can we use the RULE_ID to ensure uniqueness within InFORM, and maybe reset the counter within the DB to start at say 1,000,000 for those rules created through the UI?

      Acceptance Criteria

      1. Confirm that there is a new import process that creates Vendor Item Assignment Rules within InFORM, using the following data:
        • RULE_ID (May not be needed, see question above)
        • Vendor Item Code
        • RULE_TYPE_CODE (I = Include, E = Exclude)
        • FILTER_TYPE_ID (Mapped to Zone Type)
        • FILTER_VALUE (Mapped to Zone)
        • START_DATE (Introduction Date)
        • END_DATE (If 12/31/4712 = Null)
      2. Confirm that Success Auto Notifications are generated
      3. Confirm that Failure Auto Notifications are generated
      4. Confirm that if the Zone Type which is imported does not exist in InFORM, that record fails to import and is included in an Auto Notification
      5. Confirm that if the Zone which is imported does not exist in InFORM, that record fails to import and is included in an Auto Notification
      6. Confirm that Rules can be created via the import
      7. Confirm that Rules can be updated via the import
      8. Note: Updating the Discontinue Date will result in a rule being ended
      9. Patch back to R1


        1. Active rules export.csv
          4 kB
          Will Englefield
        2. Active rules export - csv Sample.xlsx
          13 kB
          Will Englefield
        3. Active rules export for HS (3).xlsx
          756 kB
          Will Englefield
        4. rulesexport214v2_0220.csv
          1.82 MB
          Will Englefield
        5. rulesexport214v2.csv
          1.83 MB
          Will Englefield
        6. VendorRuleImport_Confluence_Will.xlsx
          42 kB
          Will Englefield
        7. VendorRuleImport_Confluence.xlsx
          42 kB
          Soma Dixon

          Issue Links

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              • Assignee:
                caner.saritac Caner Saritac
                will.englefield Will Englefield (Inactive)
              • Watchers:
                2 Start watching this issue


                • Created:

                  Time Tracking

                  Original Estimate - 79.5h Original Estimate - 79.5h
                  Remaining Estimate - 0h
                  Time Spent - 88.55h


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