Customer Defect
Status: Done (View Workflow)
Resolution: Completed
Affects Version/s: CFA 2019R1
Fix Version/s: CFA 2019R1
Component/s: Core
SCRUM Team:Brotherhood of Mutants
Source Code ID(s):
As a user of Cash Management (in either MMS or MxC) I would like the rounding fields on the Finalize Day and Cashier Settlement pages to only display for the zone I have specified.
Selecting a zone on the Reconciliation Management page (MMS_HO_FinancialGroupSetup.aspx) for a group does not display the group for only the zone specified.
Acceptance Criteria:
Confirm any group with a zone specified only displays the group for that zone.
Confirm any group without a zone displays the group for all locations.
- Clones
CFAMX-2954 Zones not working for Reconciliation Management page
- Done