Sprint Defect
Status: Done (View Workflow)
Resolution: Completed
Affects Version/s: CFA 2018R4
Fix Version/s: CFA 2018R4
Component/s: Imports
Sprint:CFAMX 2018R4 Sprint 4
When running the Location Import it reports an error "Error : 8/13/2018 8:13:10 AM : Entity Data Import on 8/13/2018 8:13:09 AM : Import Record #1: Missing Country Code" even though the file has all the required fields.
Reproduction Steps
1) Log into the JAT server
2) Drop import file here: W:\MacromatiX\SiteData\JATesting\DataImports\BusinessLocation (Attached)
3) Run the 'LocationImport' from the server manager
4) See the AuditLog created: W:\MacromatiX\SiteData\JATesting\DataImports\BusinessLocation\AuditLog
- sprint defect
CFAMX-112 Location Import - Update XLST to support Country Name & Code and CA Zip Code
- Closed