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  1. CFA MX
  2. CFAMX-5970

SC - Receipt Advice - Ability to import UBL document to update order receipt quantities



      Implement the latest UBL Receipt Advice file to receive orders that have been delivered to a restaurant

      • Receipt Advice must reference an InFORM Order Number
      • Receipt Advice can come in before or after the ASN (in theory it's always after, but just in case!)
      • Receipt Advice will be used to mark the order as received and update quantities
      • Receipt Advice will be rejected if order is already received, either manually or via ASN Auto Recieve
      HLE Notes
      • Keep with existing data flow (file based)
      • Stand up process to import “Receipt advice" UBL document
      • Provide Linqpad to generate these docs, from the order
      • Set order to receive upon receipt of file, if order has not already been manually received
      • Send Warning Auto Notification (include detail of discrepancies)
      • Update SO export to include some data about the receipt method
      • Update UI to display receipt method (audit details)
      • The receipt advice will supersede the ASN Auto Receive, in that once the file is received the delivery will be received
      • Soma Dixon & Charles Wheeler please be sure to test with orders that are created from ASN (CFAMX-5964)

      3.2.51 Receipt Advice Schema

      Description: A document used to describe the receipt of goods and services.

      Processes involved Logistics
      Submitter role Delivery
      Receiver role Despatch
      Normative schema xsd/maindoc/UBL-ReceiptAdvice-2.2.xsd
      Runtime schema xsdrt/maindoc/UBL-ReceiptAdvice-2.2.xsd
      Summary report mod/summary/reports/UBL-ReceiptAdvice-2.2.html
      UBL 2.0 example instance xml/UBL-ReceiptAdvice-2.0-Example.xml

      Notes from Friday, August 9th discussion:

      Could they just send ASN with delivered timestamp, once truck is at the Restaurant? And have 0 delay hours?

      Chris: could we have purely a "delivered" notice that would automatically receive?

      Michael: do this via API.

      Chris: like this, it gives us ability to be flexible.

      Corey: Downside is that then the control of the receiving of order is in driver's hand, not Restaurant.

      Team: kind of is that way already today…they don't actually review.

      Chris: Could maybe do a delay hours also?

      Still need a new "doc"/API

      Chris: can see if they send a delivery notice? (CFA Supply). Chris/George to determine if the existing UBL spec can be used here. Invoice document as well? "Receipt advice" UBL document.


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              • Assignee:
                will.englefield Will Englefield (Inactive)
                staten.putnal Staten Putnal (Inactive)
              • Watchers:
                0 Start watching this issue


                • Created:


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