Sprint Defect
Status: Done (View Workflow)
Resolution: Completed
Affects Version/s: CFA 2020R1
Fix Version/s: CFA 2020R1
Component/s: Ordering
TestRail Run Link:
Source Code ID(s):
Sprint:CFAMX 2020R1 Hardening
2020R1- When COH count is opened and a count is created as a result, the order no longer thinks items outside of Count Hours Threshold need to be counted.
While demoing this story (CFAMX-6268) to Charles and Stacy on Dec 13th 11:30 AM, an order was created through a schedule with items that needed to be counted. Then, we looked at that item and opened the Correct On hand modal and then I saved the order. When I reopened the order, the Count Item(s) prompt/warning (under Actions) was no longer displayed.
Expected: When opening the COH modal, the count is created, but that doesn't mean the item is counted. the warning should still exist and not allow you to place the order:
Item was never counted but in the count details, it looks like it's 0
Declare @RefNum bigint = 2620544 --Enter The Draft Order Number Here
Declare @ItemId int = 103 – Find a specific item
Declare @Entity bigint = 902
Declare @StockCntLocationID bigint = (SELECT TransactionStockCountLocationID
FROM tbTransactionStockCountLocation WHERE ReferenceNumber = @RefNum)
select tscl.ReferenceNumber as 'order ref number' ,
iq.fOnHand_qty as 'Current On Hand',
from tbTransactionStockCountLocation tscl with (nolock)
left join tbTransactionStockCountLocationDetail tscld with (nolock)
on tscld.TransactionStockCountLocationID = tscl.TransactionStockCountLocationID
left join tbItem i with (nolock)
on tscld.ItemID = i.ItemID
left join tbEntityitem ei with (nolock)
on i.itemid = ei.itemid
and ei.EntityID = tscl.EntityID
left join tbVendorEntityItem vei with (nolock)
on ei.Entityid = vei.Entityid
and ei.ItemID = vei.ItemID
left join tbEntityLocation el with (nolock)
on tscl.EntityID = el.EntityID
and tscld.LocationID = el.EntityLocationID
left join tbItemQty iq
on ei.EntityID = iq.EntityID
and ei.ItemID = iq.ItemID
and tscld.ItemID = iq.ItemID
and tscl.EntityID = iq.EntityID
where tscld.TransactionStockCountLocationID = @StockCntLocationID
and tscl.EntityID = @Entity --Stop here if you want to see ifthe count was created
and tscld.itemid = @ItemID
- is blocked by
CFAMX-6268 Create Order - Check for last count of items
- Closed