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  1. CFA MX
  2. CFAMX-3145

EOM > Month End Notes > Wage Accrual Section


    • Sprint:
      CFAMX 2019R3 Sprint 4
    • Work Type Classification:


      As an Operator performing the End of Month, I would like the ability to enter a total dollar amount of wages unpaid for the month on the End of Month page in InFORM.

      The Wage Accrual section will be used by Operators for entering the total dollar amount of wages unpaid for the month.

      An input field will be used for entering a monetary value, accurate to two decimal places.
      The value inputted will represent the accrual amount for a defined number of days.
      The number of days for the accrual amount will be provided yearly by Chick-fil-A.
      This data, number of days accrued, and the associated dates will need to be available for recall when viewing past months
      All stores will have the same values
      Values may change, typically, once per year
      The business dates for the number of days will also be displayed in the Wage Accrual section.
      This will be provided by Chick-fil-A as a part of the accrual period information.
      This section should be configurable, on/off, as not all locations (Canada) will use Wage Accrual during EOM.

      Need a way to edit or continue to add during the month.

      Mock Screen

      Wage Accrual Grid from Chick-fil-A

      Acceptance Criteria
      Confirm a wage accrual section is present on the End of Month page
      Confirm an input field is present that allows entry of a monetary value, accurate to two decimal places
      Confirm that the wages amount field allows entering positive values only (negative values are not allowed)
      Confirm a value is displayed, defining the number of days to be accrued
      Confirm the business dates are displayed for the wage accrual period
      Confirm the business date range displayed, matches the number of days displayed for wages
      Confirm the display of the Wage Accrual section is configurable, meaning shown or hidden based on that configuration.
      Confirm that the existing wage accrual for the given business period is pre-populated if data has previously been entered for the month
      Confirm previous (Closed) business period’s wage accrual data can be viewed, but not updated


      Confirm the wage accrual data is stored in the InFORM database
      Confirm the Month from the payroll data is stored in the InFORM database
      Confirm the full Month name is displayed in the table
      Confirm the Accrual Needed payroll data is stored in the InFORM database
      Confirm the Accrual Needed is saved by business day
      Confirm the Dates from the payroll data is stored in the InFORM database
      Confirm the Dates is stored as a date range
      Confirm Accrual Needed number is days is equal to the Date Range in the Dates field. 
      Confirm the Wage Accrual dollar amount entered in the Wage Accrual section is saved to the InFROM database
      Confirm the Wage Accrual dollar amount can be viewed for previous months.

      Confirm Script for inserting new year's worth of data



        1. image-2019-05-13-15-37-16-655.png
          23 kB
          Michael DeBinder
        2. wageaccural.png
          58 kB
          Staten Putnal
        3. Wage Accural.png
          47 kB
          Staten Putnal

          Issue Links



              • Assignee:
                staten.putnal Staten Putnal (Inactive)
                staten.putnal Staten Putnal (Inactive)
              • Watchers:
                0 Start watching this issue


                • Created:

                  Time Tracking

                  Original Estimate - 25h 10m Original Estimate - 25h 10m
                  25h 10m
                  Remaining Estimate - 0h
                  Time Spent - 28.25h


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