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  1. CFA MX
  2. CFAMX-3195

EOM > Month End Notes > Inputting Accruals and Reversals


    • Sprint:
      CFAMX 2019R4 Sprint 1, CFAMX 2019R4 Sprint 3
    • Work Type Classification:


      As an Operator performing my End of Month, I would like the ability to input rules for the accrual and reversals that affect my restaurant.

      Section Layout
      Create a new section on the End of Month page for entering and displaying accruals, accrual reversals and reversals.
      The section should be titled End Of Month Ruleset
      The section should have an "Add Rule" button
      The section should have a way for individual rules to be deleted.
      The section should have a column called Action.
      The Action column should have a drop-down where the user can select an Accrue or Reverse.
      The section should have a second column called Measure.
      The Measure column should have a drop-down where the user can select "% of Sales", "% of Net Profit" or "Dollars".
      The section should have a column called Amount
      The Amount column should have an input box for entering a numeric value (with two decimal places) when a rule type of "Dollars" is selected.
      The Amount column should have an input box for entering a numeric value when a rule type of "% of Sales" or "% of Net Profit" is selected.
      The section should have a column called Expense Account.
      The Expense Account column should have a drop-down where the user can select a category of either "Bonus/Vacation Accrual" or "Party/Outing Accrual"
      The section should have a Show Next Month column
      The Show Next Month column should have a check-box to set True or False


      • Accrue
      • Reverse

      Measure (Unit of Measure)

      • % of Sales
      • % of Net Profit
      • Dollars

      Expense Account

      • Bonus/Vacation Accrual
      • Party/Outing Accrual

      Data for Table:
      Type - Accrue or Reverse
      Amount - numeric up to two decimal places
      Percentage - numeric up to two decimal places
      Category - Category specified for rule
      GUID - User who created rule
      Date/Timestamp - Date and Time rule was entered
      Month - Month rule was made for
      Store - Restaurant for rule
      Show Next Month - True or False

      This section should be configurable, on/off, as not all locations (Canada) will use End of Month Rules during EOM.

      Acceptance Criteria

      1. Confirm an end of month Rules section exist on the Month End Notes page
      2. Confirm when Rules are added, they are stored to the database
      3. Confirm the rule Action (Reverse or Accrue) is stored to the database
      4. Confirm the rule Amount is stored to the database
      5. Confirm the rule Percentage is stored to the database
      6. Confirm the rule Measure (Dollars, % of Net Profit, % of Sales) is stored to the database
      7. Confirm the rule Expense Account is stored to the database
      8. Confirm a value of true is stored to the database when Show Next Month is selected.
      9. Confirm a value of false is stored to the database when Show Next Month is non selected.
      10. Confirm the user who created the rule is stored to the database
      11. Confirm the Date/Timestamp for the rule is stored to the database
      12. Confirm the rule Month is stored to the database
      13. Confirm the Store the rule was created for is stored to the database
      14. Confirm the rules section has an Action column
      15. Confirm the Action is a drop-down with a list available of Accrue or Reverse
      16. Confirm the rules section allows for the input of integers
      17. Confirm the integers are only positive values
      18. Confirm the max integer for a percentage is 100
      19. Confirm the percentage entered is greater than 0.
      20. Confirm a warning is displayed is a value equal or less than 0 is entered
      21. Confirm the max integer for a dollar amount is 99999.98
      22. Confirm the dollar amount entered is greater than 0.
      23. Confirm a warning message is displayed when a value equal or less than 0 is entered
      24. Confirm the rules section has a Measure field
      25. Confirm the Measure drop-down has "% of Sales" as an available selection.
      26. Confirm the Measure drop-down has "% of Net Profit" as an available selection.
      27. Confirm the Measure drop-down has "Dollars" as an available selection.
      28. Confirm the rule section has an Expense Account drop-down.
      29. Confirm the Expense Account drop-down offers a selection of Bonus/Vacation Accrual
      30. Confirm the Expense Account drop-down offers a selection of Party/Outing Accrual
      31. Confirm the rules section has a Show Next Month field
      32. Confirm the Show Next Month field is a check box
      33. Confirm the Show Next Month checkbox is deselected by default (when new rules are created)
      34. Confirm the EOM Rules section is available for only configured restaurants
      35. Confirm that previously entered rules for the current (Open) business period are displayed
      36. Confirm the end of month rules can be displayed for previous (Closed) End of Months and are read-only
      37. Confirm that if EOM Rule record is added it should always have a value in the amount field.
      38. Confirm that a Rule can be added (created)
      39. Confirm that Rules can be deleted
      40. Confirm that a Rule can be updated


        1. eomruleset.jpg
          31 kB
        2. EOM Accrual mockup.xlsx
          16 kB
        3. accrualreverese.jpg
          65 kB

          Issue Links



              • Assignee:
                staten.putnal Staten Putnal (Inactive)
                staten.putnal Staten Putnal (Inactive)
              • Watchers:
                0 Start watching this issue


                • Created:

                  Time Tracking

                  Original Estimate - 41h 40m
                  41h 40m
                  Remaining Estimate - 0h
                  Time Spent - 33h 20m Time Not Required
                  33h 20m


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