Testing Defect
Status: Done (View Workflow)
Resolution: Completed
Affects Version/s: CFA 2020R1
Fix Version/s: None
Component/s: Exports
SCRUM Team:Globogym Purple Cobras
TestRail Run Link:
Source Code ID(s):
Sprint:CFAMX 2020R2 SA Sprint 2, CFAMX 2020R2 SA Sprint 3, CFAMX 2020R2 SA Sprint 4
Testing Environment
- When importing an ASN, with a delivery date/time that is in the past, the Order is created and Auto Received
- DEFECT: After the order is auto received, the Order Export should be fired
- Please see:
CFAMX-7518, as this is the same defect - Sample ASN File being used in Testing: CFA_ASN_00440_NoPO_A_20200123_144032.xml
Store - 00440
Order ID created from ASN - 797144
Environment - informtesting
Scenario - ASN w/o PO and ActualDeliveryDate/Time in past will be Auto-Receive and Exports should be created as normal.
Per Caner Saritac this is the process:
1. User creates order in InFORM
- Email sent to user via auto notification
- PO (XML) sent to vendor
- Order Export sent to CFA <-- This is an exception and should still happen
- Message put on queue to await the Order Acknowledgement
2. Order Acknowledgement received (Sent from vendor to InFORM)
3. ASN received (Sent from vendor to InFORM) - At this time a message may be put on the queue to Auto Receive the order, based on details provided in the ASN
4. Product/goods delivered to restaurant
5.User Receives Order in InFORM / Order Auto Received from ASN - Order Export sent to CFA
With this new process, we are jumping straight in at # 3, ASN received, which will create the order (Step 1), so none of the sub tasks of step 1, or step 2 should run. The only exception being that the Order Export will be sent to CFA.
Given this process and the exceptions I expect a SuggestedOrder Export to be created and a Create Suggested Order on Receive.
Steps- ASN created for 00440 w/o PO Date Time slightly behind
Loaded file on server manager and processed MBM ASN
UI in MXC was updated and reflects Order was created and Auto-Received (order 797144)
Defect - After checking XSLT Export Diretcory configuration on server, it was confirmed tha this process of ASN w/o PO is not working, the normal process works (proven by 00663 - order 797130)
- Clones
CFAMX-8050 ASN w/o PO # - PO created but CFA Exports not created
- Done
- relates to
CFAMX-5964 SC - Ordering - Ability to accept an ASN with blank PO number and have it auto-create the "shipped" order within InFORM
- Closed