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  1. CFA MX
  2. CFAMX-890

Suggested Order Tab - Prevent User from placing past due order


    • Sprint:
      CFAMX 2019R1 Sprint 4
    • SOW (Time Tracking) Project:


      As a Store Manager I want to be prevented from creating an order from a schedule that was due for delivery before today


      • Putting this story in after conversation with Colin Wyatt-Goodall and Gareth Leibbrandt
      • Within MMS, there is Scheduled Orders functionality, this is what we have replicated in MxC
        • Admin > Setup > Scheduled Orders
        • /MMS_Stores_ScheduledOrders.aspx
      • When clicking on Click For No the Order Status is changed to Not Required (it also looks like an order record of some type may be created)
      • Looking at the schedule in MxC, the schedule is Cancelled
      • Goal:
        • The goal of this story is to prevent the user from creating an order for a Past Due Delivery date
        • The user navigates to a past date on the Suggested Order tab
        • An Suggested Order (Schedule) is in a Pending state, and the Delivery Date for the order is in the Past (before today)
        • When the user clicks on Create New Order, the order schedule should be cancelled, using similar logic to that used on the MMS page

      Acceptance Criteria

      1. Verify that when attempting to create an Order, from the Suggested Order tab, that has a past due delivery date, the user is prevented from doing so
        • A Past Due order is an order that has a delivery date before today (note: there is no need to check the delivery time)
        • Orders can be added to the Suggested Order tab via the import or the manually on the Store Calendar (/MMS_Stores_Calendar2.aspx)
      2. Verify that the a message is displayed when the user attempts to create a Past Due order
        • Message header: Delete Past Due Suggested Order
        • Message content: The Suggested Order that you are trying to create is for a past delivery date, and cannot be placed.
        • Buttons:
          • X - Closes the modal, no action is taken
          • Delete Order - Red - Deletes/cancels the order schedule, in a similar manner to the way in which MMS does
      3. Verify that after the order schedule has been deleted/cancelled, the user is returned to the Suggested Order tab, on the date previously selected, and the Status of the Order is updated to Cancelled


        1. screenshot-1.png
          67 kB
          Will Englefield
        2. screenshot-2.png
          64 kB
          Will Englefield
        3. screenshot-3.png
          80 kB
          Will Englefield
        4. DelSuggOrd.png
          80 kB
          Will Englefield
        5. screenshot-4.png
          39 kB
          Will Englefield

          Issue Links



              • Assignee:
                will.englefield Will Englefield (Inactive)
              • Watchers:
                0 Start watching this issue


                • Created:

                  Time Tracking

                  Original Estimate - 15h
                  Remaining Estimate - 0h
                  Time Spent - 11h 5m Time Not Required
                  11h 5m


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