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  1. CFA MX
  2. CFAMX-6440

3rd Party ACH - Ability to add multiple ACH payments


    • Sprint:
      CFAMX 2020R1 Sprint 2, CFAMX 2020R1 Sprint 3, CFAMX 2020R1 Sprint 4, CFAMX 2020R1 Sprint 5
    • SCRUM Team:
      Brotherhood of Mutants
    • Story Points:
    • SOW (Time Tracking) Project:
    • Work Type Classification:


      User Story
      As an Operator performing my Daily Deposit, I would like to the ability to input multiple ACH Payments.

      Add the ability to input a vendor description and amount for the ACH field on Daily Deposits.
      The vendor description will be a text field
      The vendor amount field will be a numeric field
      The amounts for each vendor should be totaled the summed value should be displayed under the Third Party ACH field.

      Acceptance Criteria

      1. Confirm that there is a configuration that drives the display of the new feature, and supports a pilot of this feature
      2. Confirm the Daily Deposit page provides a way to enter a vendor description for an ACH.
      3. Confirm the Daily Deposit page provides a way to enter a vendor amount for an ACH.
      4. Confirm the Daily Deposit page displays each entry as a separate line.
      5. Confirm the separate line displays each vendor description.
      6. Confirm the separate line displays each vendor amount.
      7. Confirm the Vendor Description can be edited
      8. Confirm the Vendor Amount can be edited
      9. Confirm the Vendor record can be deleted if needed
      10. Confirm the ability to edit is not available after the Deposit has been confirmed
      11. Confirm the ability to delete is not available after the Deposit has been confirmed
      12. Confirm the Daily Deposit Third Party ACH field is a total of the sum of all individual vendor amounts entered.
      13. Confirm the Vendor Description is a mandatory field
        • Added 01/13/2020 - Confirm that the max character limit is 50
      14. Confirm the Vendor Amount is a mandatory field.
        • It is not necessary to enter a record in order to complete the Daily Deposit, however, if added, both fields must be completed for an ACH record
      15. Confirm that the data entered is retained and can be viewed for past (finalized) days


      • Add way to get the expanded section


          Issue Links



              • Assignee:
                charles.wheeler Charles Wheeler
                staten.putnal Staten Putnal (Inactive)
              • Watchers:
                0 Start watching this issue


                • Created:

                  Time Tracking

                  Original Estimate - 61h
                  Remaining Estimate - 0h
                  Time Spent - 59.25h Time Not Required


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